Acceptable Use

Section: IV. ADSV - 500
Approved By: Dr. Ivan Harrell, 09/27/23
Prior Revisions: 11/17/09, 07/04/10, 12/22/11, 01/13/12, 0713/16
Initial Adoption: Unknown


To protect the integrity and usability of College Information Systems and Services and to ensure their continued availability for student learning and conduct of College business.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

This policy applies to all users of any of the College’s Information Systems and Services.


  • ADVS – 423 Wireless Telecommunication Equipment Allowance Policy
  • INST – 111 Copyright Policy
  • Faculty Negotiated Agreement 8.60D
  • TCC Board of Trustees Policy Manual
  • Washington Ethics in Public Service Act - RCW 42.52.160
  • Washington Public disclosure Act - RCW 42.56
  • RCW 9.68.130
  • Use of state resources, de minimis use - WAC 292-110-010
  • IV. ADSV – 500 Acceptable Use Procedure


College Information Systems and Services: Include, but are not limited to, College networks, connected computing and communication devices, all related peripherals, software, websites, electronic communications, Internet access, and all other current or future Information Systems and Services, regardless of location from which accessed or provisioned.

Washington Records Act: Legislations governing documents relating to conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function as covered in RCW 42.56

Sexually Explicit Material: Graphic material or content as defined in RCW 9.68.130.

De Minimis Use: Use of state resources in which each of the following conditions are met:

  • There is little or no cost to the state;
  • Any use is brief;
  • Any use occurs infrequently;
  • The use does not interfere with the performance of any state officer's or employee's official duties;
  • The use does not compromise the security or integrity of state property, information systems, or software;
  • The use is not for the purpose of conducting an outside business, in furtherance of private employment, or to realize a private financial gain; and
  • The use is not for supporting, promoting the interests of, or soliciting for an outside organization or group.

See RCW 42.52.160(3) and WAC 292-110-010.


Users of any of the College’s Information Systems and Services agree to comply with applicable state, federal and local laws, WAC code, and College policies and procedures. Use of the College’s Information Systems and Services will be consistent with the mission and goals of the College.

Users agree to comply with the following conditions:

  1. All College Information Systems and Services are the exclusive property of the College. Use of the College’s Information Systems and Services is a privilege, not a right, and is provided only to College employees, contractors, or other authorized persons for uses consistent with the mission and goals of the College. The College retains the right to determine when, how and for what purpose, and by whom such Information Systems and Services may be used, and retains the right to deny access or use of such systems and services, to include usage of the College logo, name, and identity not consistent with the mission and goals of the College. In addition:
    1. In publications on the College’s Information Systems and Services or elsewhere, employees should collaborate with the Marketing and Communications Department regarding proper logo, content, and material usage.
    2. All materials stored or published on the College’s Information Systems Services may be monitored, reviewed and/or removed by the President or a designee to prevent misuse of the system; during investigations of alleged illegal or inappropriate activity; and when necessary to conduct College business.
    3. In accordance with Faculty Negotiated Agreement Section 8.60d, “Intellectual property owned solely by the employee while employed at TCC may be published through College resources in the same form and attributed to the owner as long as the content has not become outdated or inaccurate."
  2. Any use of College Information Systems and Services that engages in or promotes any of the following is prohibited:
    1. Discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, including sexual harassment, religion, disability, national origin, age, marital status, status as a disabled or Vietnam Era Veteran, sexual identity, or sexual orientation;
    2. Copyright infringement;
    3. Personal business interests, commercial uses, and solicitation on behalf of other persons unless approved by the President or a designee;
    4. Any unlawful activity.
  3. Promotion of political and religious beliefs is prohibited.
  4. Copyright protections given by law to authors and software owners will be respected. Faculty, staff, or students shall not install, copy or reproduce software, intellectual property, or other published information protected by copyright or other means, unless legally permitted to do so.
  5. Tacoma Community College will have one central website, which is maintained by the Marketing and Communications Department.
  6. Users of College Information Systems and Service may not share system authentication credentials with others, nor misrepresent their identity to gain access to College Information Systems and Services.
  7. Users of College Information Systems and Service may not install or connect any hardware or software to College Information Systems and Services that is unauthorized and/or inconsistent with the mission and goals of the College.
  8. With the exception of certain personal uses considered de minimis the College’s Information Systems and Services are provided exclusively for furtherance of College educational objectives, research, administrative processes, and College-sponsored community service activities, and shall be used only for purposes consistent with the mission and goals of Tacoma Community College. Personal use of e-mail and the Internet are specifically included in the de minimis exemption only when such use complies with governing law and College policy. Games and Internet-based entertainment applications not consistent with the College mission and goals are not appropriate uses of College systems and are not included in the de minimis exemption at Tacoma Community College.
  9. College Information Systems and Services may not be used to send, receive, or display information including text, images, or voice that:
    1. is sexually explicit, or that a reasonable person under the circumstances would consider obscene, abusive, offensive, or
      objectionable., but exempts authorized study and research in the areas of art, health, and science;
    2. harasses others with annoying, threatening, libelous or sexually, racially or religiously offensive messages; or
    3. consists of information which may injure someone else and/or lead to a lawsuit or criminal charges.
  10. E-mail messages, electronic files, website activities, network activities, and all other records created by or in the use of College Information Systems and Services may be deemed public records under Washington’s Record Act and could, therefore, be disclosed upon request, or be subject to the rules of discovery in the event of litigation.
  11. Student and staff e-mail is considered by the College to be an official form of communication. It is essential that students and staff regularly check their TCC e-mail accounts.

When infractions occur, the appropriate manager/supervisor will first seek to resolve the matter informally. Instances of misuse that cannot be resolved informally are referred to the College’s Student Conduct procedures for student issues, or Employee Disciplinary procedures for employee issues. If the infraction is of an egregious nature the informal resolution process may be waived and the infraction referred directly to the College’s Student Conduct or Employee Disciplinary procedures through the Human Resources office.


This policy is linked to IV. ADSV – 500 Acceptable Use Procedures

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