Employment of Personnel

Section: IV. ADSV - 211
Approved By: Dr. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11
Last Review: 07/01/11
Last Revision: 06/28/11
Prior Revisions: 01/29/04
Initial Adoption: 05/30/2000


Selection of Personnel

The Community College Act of 1967 assigns the responsibility for employment of academic, classified, and exempt employees to the local college district. Staffing guidelines are a prerogative of the College, dependent upon program mix and local institutional goals. Hence, the College shall seek to employ qualified personnel. The College expects all of its employees to be aware of the College’s policies, regulations, procedures, and programs, to devote their professional services and individual skills to the realization of those College’s goals and objectives which fall within their areas of specialization, and to discharge their duties in a professional manner.

Academic, exempt, and classified staff who are employed by the College shall be appointed on the basis of standards and selection procedures WAC 131-16-080, WAC 131-16-091, WAC 357 and RCW 28B.50.090(7)(a).

The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs or his/her designee shall have the authority to hire, terminate and/or discipline part-time faculty.

The Vice President for Administrative Services shall have the authority to hire, terminate, and/or discipline all classified personnel of the college.

The Vice President for Administrative Services or designee shall have the authority to exempt positions from classified service in accordance with civil service rules and the Fair Labor Standards Act.  In instances where exemption is at the discretion of the College, the President shall have the final approval regarding exemption.

The President shall make the final decision regarding the employment of any exempt employee after complying with affirmative action guidelines and giving consideration to recommendations.


The purpose of this policy is to affirm the President’s delegated authority to determine the qualifications, appoint, manage, supervise, and discharge employees of the College, including determining salaries of exempt personnel, and the terms and conditions of an individual’s employment.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

This policy applies to all employees, including executive, administrative, professional, classified service, and part-time/temporary employees of the College.


Board Resolution:  72-17 – Appointing Authority

Board Resolution:  72-18 – Appointing Authority

Board Resolution:  78-6 – Appointing Authority

Board Resolution:  78-7 – Appointing Authority

Board Resolution:  81-10 – Appointing Authority

Board Resolution:  81-11 – Appointing Authority

Board Policy Manual:  Ch IV (2) – Delegation of Authority

RCW 28B.50.090 – College Board – Powers and Duties

RCW 41.06 State Civil Service Law

WAC 131-16-070   Adoption and publication of district personnel selection practices and standards required. 

WAC 131-16-080 General Standards and qualifications for Community and Technical College personnel.

WAC 357 – Department of Personnel

29 CFR 541 – Executive, Administrative and Professional Exemptions

29 U.S.C 201 – Fair Labor Standards Act


President – The Chief Executive Officer of the College.

See College Policy – Definitions




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